Press & Media

Der kompakte, flexible und selbstfahrende Marinalift – eine wirtschaftliche Lösung für Yachthäfen, Werften und Clubs.
Ein Sublift wird von einer Person mit einer Fernsteuerung bedient und ersetzt den Kran, den Anhänger und den Traktor.
The safe, compact, self-propelled, submersible boat hoist – the obvious choice for Swedish boat clubs and marinas. You can easily operate a Sublift using the remote control. A Sublift replaces the crane, trailer and tractor, which makes Sublift a really good financial investment!

Den kompakte, fleksible og selvgående sjøsettingsvognen – en økonomisk løsning for båthavner, verft og foreninger. En Sublift betjenes av en person med én fjernkontroll og erstatter kran, trailer og traktor.
The safe, compact, self-propelled, submersible boat hoist – the obvious choice for Swedish boat clubs and marinas. You can easily operate a Sublift using the remote control. A Sublift replaces the crane, trailer and tractor, which makes Sublift a really good financial investment!

Me valmistamme ja myymme SUBLIFT turvallisen, kompaktin ja itsestäänkulkevan veneenkäsittelyvaunun venekerhoille ja telakoille.
The safe, compact, self-propelled, submersible boat hoist – the obvious choice for Swedish boat clubs and marinas. You can easily operate a Sublift using the remote control. A Sublift replaces the crane, trailer and tractor, which makes Sublift a really good financial investment!