Our smallest and most popular model in the range. Typical users are marinas and boat clubs.

The SUBLIFT 90t is the largest model produced by Sublift. It is the choice for the yard that service a larger range of boats.

The safe, compact, self-propelled, submersible boat hoist
The SUBLIFT® produced by Sublift AB is a unique patented submersible hoist for effective launching and lifting boats on slipways. Yachts and motorboats are lifted from water to cradle with little effort. The remote control gives full access to all the functions of the hoist. One person easily handles the operation. Typical usage is docking for fast service and hull cleaning and for winter season storage.
A SUBLIFT pays off in two years – download below customer recommendations

SUBLIFT is an all in one solution, no additional transporter or crane is needed, giving low total investment cost

12-90 ton
Four standard models is offered for 12, 25, 40 and 90 ton maximum boat weight

The SUBLIFT operates both on land and under water. Engines and electronics is completely submersible

Motor and sailing boats are lifted without any conversion of the carriage in between lifting

Sailing boats are lifted easily with the mast on for fast service

Wireless control including all functions is included. Back-up wire control is available

When boats are parked in a fish bone pattern vessels can be picked up and parked individually with SUBLIFT

Through the variable width the carriage is adapted to boat widths and can straddle a boat trailers and cradles

Our models
A SUBLIFT is designed for tough conditions and a high safety focus. We are used to high demands.
Choose a SUBLIFT that matches your needs:
Sublifts around the world
Nearly 200 Sublifts have been built since 1990 and all of them are still in operation.
Sublift is used by the Navy in five countries and 10 fishing industry yards use Sublifts regularly.
Find out where to experience a SUBLIFT near you!